Sequels to the critically acclaimed Pokémon Black and White Versions were released in Japan on Saturday (23rd June 2012). Not scheduled for a European release until Autumn 2012, this blog post is basically going to describe some of the new features found in the game, and a sum-up really of why I think you should buy it. Having played up to the first Gym badge (gave up as I didn't have a CLUE what was going on, and I hate emulators), I was impressed with the mechanics of the game, and reading on about further features only peaks my optimism for the success of this game.
Black 2, and it's sister White 2 are set to be released in Europe in Autumn 2012 |
The south-west of Unova has been opened up, with locations such as Aspertia City, Sangi Town, Sangi Ranch and Virbank City.
- The northeast of Unova has seen a dramatic redesign, with locations such as Undella Town getting a makeover, and new locations such as Yamaji Town, Rebirth Mountain and Seigaiha City being added. I like the Marine Tube, a tunnel from Undella to Seigaiha which features Mantine swimming above you!
- In Driftveil City lies the new PWT Building (more on this later!)
The in-game map of the Unova region |
New Characters
- The new playable characters are called Kyouhei (middle) and Mei (right). You start out in Aspertia City (the first starting town to feature a Pokémon Centre and a Pokémon Gym!) with your childhood friend Hue (left) and can choose from three starter Pokémon: Snivy (Grass type), Tepig (Fire type) or Oshawott (Water type). Personally I always pick the Water type so it was Oshawott for me! Hue picks the starter Pokémon that has a type advantage over your own, so in my game he picked Snivy as Water is weak against Grass.
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Hue & the Snivy family, Kyouhei & the Oshawott family and Mei & the Tepig family. |
- Akuroma, a Pokémon researcher who is studying Pokémon strength. He is affiliated with Team Plasma, and one of the main antagonists of the game, along with Ghetsis who you will remember from BW.
Akuroma and his Magneton, from the B2W2 animated trailer |
- Most of the Gym Leaders are the same as in Black/White. However, there are some changes. Your rival from the original games, Cheren, is now the Gym Leader of Aspertia City, and gives out the Basic Badge instead of Lenora of Nacrene City. Also, Virbank City has a Gym, run by the Poison-type Leader Roxie. The Striaton Trio no longer operate a Gym (it's now a restaurant, fans- it's okay, you can still battle them!) and Brycen is now focusing on his Pokéwood career (you'll find out what this is later), leaving Drayden as the 7th Gym. The final gym is in Seigaiha City, and is a Water-type Gym led by Shizui.
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Cheren & Lillipup, Roxie & Whirlipede, Burgh & Leavanny and Elesa & Zebstrika |
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Clay & Excadrill, Skyla & Swanna, Drayden & Haxorus and Shizui & Jellicent |
- The Elite Four remain unchanged from the first game. You can still battle them in any order (I normally go Shauntal, Grimsley, Caitlin, Marshal), and once you beat all four you unlock the opportunity to challenge the Champion. In the previous game, this title belonged to Alder, a character you will meet very early on in B2/W2. In this game, however, the title belongs to Iris. The Opelucid Gym Leader for those who played White, or Drayden's apprentice for those who played Black. Followers of the anime will also be familiar with her, as she is currently one of Ash's travelling companions. Although in the picture below she is depicted as in BW, do not fear, she has aged, it's just that I don't have any artwork of her as of yet.
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Shauntal & Chandelure, Grimsley & Bisharp, Caitlin & Gothitelle and Marshal & Conkeldurr |
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League Champion Iris and three of her team: Druddigon, Hydreigon and Haxorus |
Pokémon World Tournament
Located to the south of Driftveil City, this is where prominent trainers come to do battle. Similar in function to the old Battle Frontiers of Generations III and IV games, you earn BP for beating trainers (whether they be regular facility trainers, or Gym Leaders and Champions from previous games).
On the left hand side are the standard tournaments. You can choose from the Driftveil Tournament (All Pokémon at Lv. 25), Rental Tournament (Pokémon are randomly chosen for you like the Battle Factories of old), or Mix Tournament (All Pokémon are Lv. 50 and you can switch a Pokémon with your opponent- temporarily, before the battle starts).
On the right hand side, you can have Single, Double, Triple or Rotation battles with old classic trainers. After you defeat the Elite Four, come to the PWT Building and choose the "Unova Leaders" tournament. Defeat this tournament once to unlock "Kanto Leaders", "Johto Leaders", "Hoenn Leaders" and "Sinnoh Leaders". Defeat all the above to unlock "World Leaders". Defeat that tournament 10 times to unlock "Champion Tournament".
VS Cynthia in the Champion Tournament |
The different trainers for each Tournament are:
- Unova Leaders- Cilan, Chili, Cress, Lenora, Burgh, Elesa, Clay, Skyla, Brycen, Drayden, Shizui, Cheren, Roxie
- Kanto Leaders- Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge, Erika, Janine, Sabrina, Blaine, Giovanni
- Johto Leaders- Falkner, Bugsy, Whitney, Morty, Jasmine, Chuck, Pryce, Clair
- Hoenn Leaders- Roxanne, Brawly, Wattson, Flannery, Norman, Winona, Tate, Liza, Juan
- Sinnoh Leaders- Roark, Gardenia, Maylene, Crasher Wake, Fantina, Byron, Candice, Volkner
- World Leaders- Any combination of the above
- Champion Tournament- Red, Blue, Lance, Steven, Wallace, Cynthia, Alder
To clear up any confusion: Koga is not one of the Kanto Gym Leaders as in the timeline he is a member of the Johto Elite Four by now. The Elite Four of any region do not participate in the World Tournament. Tate and Liza are battled separately, as are the Striation Trio. You can only battle Gym Leaders in the tournament (except Cheren who fights in the main plot of the game here) after you defeat the Elite Four and Iris.
Located to the north of Virbank City, Pokéwood is the Contests/Musicals/Pokéthalon of this game. Although you can still access the Musicals, Pokéwood provides an opportunity to allow the player to parcipitate in making films with Pokémon. Famous actors in this films include Roxie's father, and former Gym Leader Brycen of Icirrus City.
Typhlosion vs Mecha-Tyranitar in the movies |