And now for the main event!
I'd like to dedicate this blog post to the newest member to my roster of best friends, Christopher Ross, or "American Chris" or even sometimes "Finnish Chris", "Scandinavian Chris", "Gay Chris" or "Emo Chris" although "Emo Gay Scando-American Chris" would probably be the most accurate description, anyway I'm getting sidetracked :P
Anyway, a bit of background for those of you I haven't really spoke to about said Viking Yank, he's 16 (oh gosh I'm a paedophile), and he's probably one of the toughest men I've ever met. Which is odd, as looking at him you'd probably assume he was a bit of a weed, but we all know that true strength lies in the heart and not in the arms :P
This boy has been through more in his short 16 years than most have been through in an entire lifetime. People give him shit where he's from, and it's a fucking disgrace. The sheer willpower of this dude is amazing, he's literally only here now through the strength of his own mind, and these narrow-minded, self-centered bastards have the NERVE to give him trouble? Trust me, readers, if I was anywhere near Nevada shit would be going down a lot differently.
And yet again, this dude is going through a really tough time, and yeah, he's struggling. I honestly worry for him, a lot, but then again he's come through so much already I know the chances of him getting through this are high enough for me not to have to sell everything I own and rush out to Nevada (although, there's no denying that would be PRETTY cool! :P).
I just wish I could be there for him more when he needs me. I mean, I try y'know, but it's pretty hard to be someone's right-hand man when you're over 5,000 miles away :P My local friends can attribute the fact that I'm there for them when they need me, hell I jumped on a train and home-invaded Mathew when he was upset and he lives 200 miles away :P So, if I had the money to be flying to Nevada I'd probably be there making him some shitty vegan food. Ooooooh quorn bolognese, I take it back, not shitty at all :P
Anyway, this dude means a lot to me, as do the rest of my best friends (the current roster being: Kt, Matty, English Chris, Beth and Emo-Gay-Scando-American Chris) and they're all still probably the most important people in my life at the moment.
And to all the people reading this who I don't know, who have ever said something to somebody that wasn't in jest.... please, take the time to stop and think how what you say could be affecting somebody. You don't know the shit they've gone through in their life... you could be raking up something best kept buried...
And to Emo-Gay-Scando-American Chris, keep strong buddy, you can get through this, even if I have to drag you through it myself, because so help me I will if you don't give me another choice, and trust me it isn't pleasant :P Just remember, whenever you're down and crushed to embers... reignite :)
A fire only needs three things: fuel, oxygen and heat. You have fuel, because you're still alive. You have oxygen, because you have air. You have heat because you're not -273.15 degrees celsius :P Just keep those three things and you can still be a raging inferno rather than a smouldering ember. All you need is an extra puff of air :)
And that, as they say, is that. Blog post finished for the day now, I'll keep you all updated when I can :)
Oh, and look- a wild CHRISTOPHER appeared ;) Photo stolen :P
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Jesus Christ, if I took him to the McDonalds in Walsall he'd blend in perfectly with the Emo Horde they are breeding there :P |
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