Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Value of Friendship

To me, friendship is one of the most important things in my life. Any of my friends will probably be able to tell you how strongly I feel towards it. I remember recently comparing myself to a "mother panther" as to how I feel about my friends, they are literally all my babies. My friends all mean the world to me, and (hopefully) they all realise this. So to kick off the new happy start to my blog (after the depressing episode formerly mentioned) I will dedicate a blog post to these amazing people :)


I met Bethany through annoying Sam (god Sam!) and came out better for it- Beth's one of the nicest people I know, I don't think she's got a bad word to say about anyone and hey, she's one of the few people who has evolved to be able to stand me in high doses! Although we haven't talked as much as we'd both like this year, Beth is still held in very high regard as one of my closest friends, as she is genuinely lovely.  As she now lives in Wales, and I visit Wales far too much, I feel the need to say that Beth yw epig :) Like Sam, I think Beth realised that she couldn't escape my annoyances and just came to terms with the fact she was stuck with me, I mean, seriously? She's moved to Wales in a vain attempt to run away and it hasn't worked! Here's a tip Beth, I don't have a passport ;) Just saying :P



I've actually known Matt longer than the rest of these losers :P I do believe I met Matt all the way back in 2004/5 (Year 7), which makes me feel like a fucking ancient relic. Seriously, just donate me to Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery right now. Anyway, I'm sidetracking. Basically didn't speak to Matt much after meeting him (my mistake, sorry :P) and now I kinda wish I had. After intruding on Sam and Beth's lives, I re-met Matt, and formed a friendship with him. Matthew is potentially one of the most entertaining people I know, and although we've had our little fallings out, he's still one of my favourite people. Again, as with Beth, we haven't spoke as much as we'd both like this year, but still... don't change Matthew, you're a great person :)

Well Matthew, I knew you loved me but this is a bit extreme, isn't it? :P


Katie, Katie, Katie... Where do I start? Well, I met her in ICT in Year 10. Since then we've developed some weird twin telepathy thing, it's weird. I think she follows me. I hear a rustling in the trees by my house and I half expect a midget with night-vision goggles to fall out :P Nah, in all seriousness, I don't think I would have got through the past however many years quite as insanely if I didn't know Katie :P She's my non-fag hag. If I was a fag, she would be my first choice as hag. Once we eventually take over the world (it's happening, the populace may as well just deal with it) and stuff we might take mercy on all the people we dislike... or we might not :P We do have a list somewhere, but that was made years ago, it needs lots of additions! She's the lead singer of our Guitar Hero band, PenisTree (NOT The KitKats, that's just a lie she's spreading) and to be quite honest she deserves to be shot for it! Anyways Katie, I just wanna say thanks for being an awesome friend these past years, and here's to another load more!

The Warden-Commander of Amaranthine and Arl of Amaranthine, and the Queen of Ferelden. Although she's only Queen because she married Alistair. And she only did that to become Queen. I ain't sayin' she a golddigga ;)


Christovskii! Originally one of my Chemistry buds, then he like married Katie or something, even though she was already married to Emma and having a lesbian affair with Sam. I know, it's weird, but hey! That's us! I'm also having an affair with him I believe, I dunno, I can't remember, it's so hard to remember who's romancing who, we're all giant slags. Anyways, Christopher is a truly good friend, a rarity these days and I should probably thank him too but his ego will inflate and it'll be bad times for the rest of us ;) I'm pretty sure I owe him money too but I'm not gonna mention that.... ... ... *looks shifty* But yes, I am glad I met this fellow, he's a nice individual and knows how to deal with me which is always a bonus! Because let's face it guys, I take a lot of dealing with :P Bitch also gives good hugs, but that is irrelevant to how much I loves him..... or is it? ;) Also I do have to mention that all the terrorisation me and Katie give him... kudos to him, he must have the patience of a bloody saint!

Poor Christopher gets molested by me FAR too much xD On the plus side, his face tastes nice!


Fatty Matty :P He's a bloody sheepshagger he is! People always warn you about the dangers of meeting people off the internet- but (taking into account the fact he COULD have been a psychotic rapist serial killing necrophiliac with a fetish for dog food) they rarely tell you the benefits. Such as meeting a MAJOR FUCKING CUNT..... I mean, one of my best friends :) Although he's a relative newcomer to this list, Mr Mathew here has somehow ensorcelled me. I think he's a witch to be honest, he's got the crooked nose ;) Also he's one of the very few people who CAN'T get annoyed with me. Believe me I've tried. Either he's really good at hiding it, or he's immune. Also I saved him some of my pizza the other day, which just proves my love for him :P Well, he is my husband after all xD It's been a fantastic six months, and I hope our friendship's future is as fantasticly amazing as it has been so far :) Rydych chi'n unigolyn gwych Mathew James, byth yn ei anghofio, gadael i neb ddweud wrthych fel arall, ac yn bwysicaf oll byth yn stopio rannu hynny gyda mi ar ffurf cyfeillgarwch.

Who needs an axe-wielding psychotic serial killer with a corpse fetish when you can have a sword-wielding, narcoleptic Welshman with a... well, I doubt anyone wants to know your disturbing fetishes 


All of these people should know that I loves them lots and want them to know that I look forward to the next load of years we share :) Friendship is what makes the good times better, makes the bad times go away, and makes the just plain dull times that slight bit more bearable, and the past few years I owe to you all :)

Thanks guys,
Jake :)

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Well THIS is awkward!

The awkward moment when your blog is really depressing since you got back from Matty's :') I'm cheery again now though, things are going to change around here- you all have my word!

Friday, 6 April 2012

Literally at the end of my tether now

I'm lying in bed watching Bad Teacher for the umpteenth time, with an empty bottle of rum. I'm not going to start on how pathetic it is that I've been sat on my own drinking like an old lush.

I'm generally fed up. I'm a year behind because I decided to focus on everybody else instead of myself and didn't ask for help when I bloody well needed it. In January I retook and still didn't get what I need so I'm stuck with another few months of the evil of A-Level Physics.

I can't get a job because I've got no experience. Obviously I've got no fucking experience because none of you dickwads will give me a job.

I have a volunteer position in school which is hard work but I don't even get paid for it. I'm giving up my time to do something I gain nothing for, I don't need the extra experience yet- but my home life is so fucking dull I literally have nothing better to do.

My friends are shit. We don't do anything and when we bloody do we're back home for half 10. They're the most antisocial bunch of people I've ever met in my life. The only two who actually bother with me are Katie and Chris- I could probably die tonight and none of the others would notice for three months.

My other best friend is in a mood which is annoying me because I'm powerless to help :/ and he lives too far away and I'm too poor to see him as much as I'd like.

I'm about as lucky in love as a one-legged, leper dwarf with a microdick. Literally nobody wants me. Apart from men. Do I have "Faggotron" tattooed on my forehead or something? Or do women just not like caring guys these days?

And I do the same fucking thing every day. Every FUCKING day. If its term time- wake up, go to work, come home, game, talk to friends, sleep. If its not term time just copy and late the above and delete "go to work".

I seriously need to make some fucking changes in my life, but every time I change something it makes literally no difference. I've changed so much the last few years and I'm still feeling shitter than I did then. The only good thing to come out of last year is Matty. That's it. Don't want to sound ungrateful, because I'm so fucking lucky he even bothers with me, considering most of my local "friends" don't even do that- then have the brass neck to bitch and moan when I say I prefer him to them. Try being fucking friends instead of memories then you cunts.

At the end of the day, I always put myself out for other people and it's wry rare that people do it for me. People say I should harden up, become more selfish, but then the same people will turn around when I do and call me selfish. Double standards much?

Anyway, fuck my little rant now, I'm fed up of this. Watching the end of this film then staring at the wall until i fall asleep.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Change the fucking record!!

Yes! I didn't get into Uni last year- I know! So why fucking keep mentioning it then?!

I know I have an exam in the summer, and I know I've failed it once an. Got an E in the retake. I know I need a C and I know it's on the Thermal Physics, Nuclear Physics, Oscillations and Astrophysics modules. But beyond that I don't know which bits I need to focus on because I haven't had a copy of my last paper back yet!

I'm sorry I'm not psychic and can see all the way to school and in the envelope on the exam officer's desk, but if I could do that I wouldn't have bloody failed in the first place!

Somehow my "addiction" to video games and The Guild (which is ironic because the Guild is about someone who has a video game addiction- and stupid because I've only ever watched each episode once) has caused me to disregard revision entirely.

I thought reading a physics book counted as revision but apparently not?

And there's no need to be so self-righteous about it either! Condescending people really bother me and no wonder, I've had to live with the Queen of Condescenders for years. And apparently this is all backchat. No, mother, I happen to be 19 in two weeks- I think I'm allowed my own opinion and when you sit there slagging me off (AGAIN) clearly I'm not going to just take it.

It's pretty clear you want me out of your house and trust me, if I'd had got into Uni or somehow acquired enough money to move out then I would have by now, because living in a house with a mother who for some reason everything you do is never enough, a dad who just plain doesn't like you, an a sister who talks to you when it suits her doesn't really feel like a home to me.

If you actually sat and thought about it, you would know that I probably play games so much to escape the shit existence that is living under the same roof as you.

And about me sitting on your laptop all the time- if I had the money to keep getting the bus to go and see my friends, and if they were free more, I'd go speak to them in person. It's the fact that most of my friends are all busy and I have no money, and my other best mate lives in fucking Wales, so how you expect me to talk to him I don't know- ill just use my telepathic connections I so blatantly have >_<

Anyway I've finished ranting about the piece of shit family I've been lumbered with now- none of them will actually read this because it's not to do with me being a total failure as a son so they won't be interested at all. Now I'm going to sit and stare at the wall or go stand in the road or something because the bitch has cut off the electric supply to my room and there is literally nothing to do >_<


Monday, 2 April 2012

Chunks of Wisdom

As a generality, I've come to the conclusion that the majority of the time, humans SUCK! I'm not particularly in a bad mood today, I actually meant to write this when I was in a bad mood a few days back, but seeing as I'm here now I may as well do it ^_^ So I'm going to rant about the types of people who piss me off :)

First off are those people who just make a judgement before even talking to people. Shut your eyes tight or open them wide, either way you're a fool. You can't expect to know everything about everybody just from a first glance, but you can't expect to know nothing about them either. Of course you can tell a few things about someone by looking at them, but people are deeper than that. People should reserve judgement until they get the chance to know them.

Another thing that pisses me off is when you tell someone something, and they don't believe you! When you have absolutely no reason to lie at all! Believed or not, some things must simply be accepted. People only lie when they have something to gain- if they have a lot to lose from lying they aren't going to do it, are they?!

Then there are those bloody irritating people who don't say what they need to say, or what they mean. Disasters are formed on everything that is left unsaid. I prefer people to say things to my face rather than behind my back.

There are also those people who close themselves off to their problems and just expect them to go away. No path is darker than when your eyes are shut. How are you supposed to see where you are going? I don't understand how they operate in life! And those people who are all smiley smiley when they are in shit. There's putting on a brave face, I do it myself, but laughing, joking and pretending absolutely nothing is wrong is just stupid. Especially when you do it even when nobody else is there. It is only when you fall that you learn how to fly.

Then, you know when people are arguing? There are always two sides to every story. When people don't listen to someone else's arguments and take a side they are making things worse! If you are truly to understand, you need to know the contrast, not the adherence to a single idea.

Then there are the people who rush into things without taking the time to properly think. He who wishes to walk on water must first learn how to swim. Don't get me wrong, sometimes you need to improvise- plans are fragile things and life often dashes expectations to the ground, but at the end of the day you need to be able to plan in the first place to get a vague idea of what you need to do.

Finally are the people who only use their eyes to see. Trying to perceive the world through sight alone is like trying to peer at a galaxy through a crack in a door. You have other senses, use them! Humans interact through the five senses, not just the one. Eyes are useful tools but they can be tricked just like everything else. How somebody sounds, smells and tastes, touch- it's all vital to our perception of the world- sight without these is nothing.

My rant is over now, it was a bit of a jumble but y'know- fun times ;)