I met Bethany through annoying Sam (god Sam!) and came out better for it- Beth's one of the nicest people I know, I don't think she's got a bad word to say about anyone and hey, she's one of the few people who has evolved to be able to stand me in high doses! Although we haven't talked as much as we'd both like this year, Beth is still held in very high regard as one of my closest friends, as she is genuinely lovely. As she now lives in Wales, and I visit Wales far too much, I feel the need to say that Beth yw epig :) Like Sam, I think Beth realised that she couldn't escape my annoyances and just came to terms with the fact she was stuck with me, I mean, seriously? She's moved to Wales in a vain attempt to run away and it hasn't worked! Here's a tip Beth, I don't have a passport ;) Just saying :P![]() |
I've actually known Matt longer than the rest of these losers :P I do believe I met Matt all the way back in 2004/5 (Year 7), which makes me feel like a fucking ancient relic. Seriously, just donate me to Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery right now. Anyway, I'm sidetracking. Basically didn't speak to Matt much after meeting him (my mistake, sorry :P) and now I kinda wish I had. After intruding on Sam and Beth's lives, I re-met Matt, and formed a friendship with him. Matthew is potentially one of the most entertaining people I know, and although we've had our little fallings out, he's still one of my favourite people. Again, as with Beth, we haven't spoke as much as we'd both like this year, but still... don't change Matthew, you're a great person :)![]() |
Well Matthew, I knew you loved me but this is a bit extreme, isn't it? :P |
Katie, Katie, Katie... Where do I start? Well, I met her in ICT in Year 10. Since then we've developed some weird twin telepathy thing, it's weird. I think she follows me. I hear a rustling in the trees by my house and I half expect a midget with night-vision goggles to fall out :P Nah, in all seriousness, I don't think I would have got through the past however many years quite as insanely if I didn't know Katie :P She's my non-fag hag. If I was a fag, she would be my first choice as hag. Once we eventually take over the world (it's happening, the populace may as well just deal with it) and stuff we might take mercy on all the people we dislike... or we might not :P We do have a list somewhere, but that was made years ago, it needs lots of additions! She's the lead singer of our Guitar Hero band, PenisTree (NOT The KitKats, that's just a lie she's spreading) and to be quite honest she deserves to be shot for it! Anyways Katie, I just wanna say thanks for being an awesome friend these past years, and here's to another load more!CHRISTOPHER LEMMON
Christovskii! Originally one of my Chemistry buds, then he like married Katie or something, even though she was already married to Emma and having a lesbian affair with Sam. I know, it's weird, but hey! That's us! I'm also having an affair with him I believe, I dunno, I can't remember, it's so hard to remember who's romancing who, we're all giant slags. Anyways, Christopher is a truly good friend, a rarity these days and I should probably thank him too but his ego will inflate and it'll be bad times for the rest of us ;) I'm pretty sure I owe him money too but I'm not gonna mention that.... ... ... *looks shifty* But yes, I am glad I met this fellow, he's a nice individual and knows how to deal with me which is always a bonus! Because let's face it guys, I take a lot of dealing with :P Bitch also gives good hugs, but that is irrelevant to how much I loves him..... or is it? ;) Also I do have to mention that all the terrorisation me and Katie give him... kudos to him, he must have the patience of a bloody saint!![]() |
Poor Christopher gets molested by me FAR too much xD On the plus side, his face tastes nice! |
Fatty Matty :P He's a bloody sheepshagger he is! People always warn you about the dangers of meeting people off the internet- but (taking into account the fact he COULD have been a psychotic rapist serial killing necrophiliac with a fetish for dog food) they rarely tell you the benefits. Such as meeting a MAJOR FUCKING CUNT..... I mean, one of my best friends :) Although he's a relative newcomer to this list, Mr Mathew here has somehow ensorcelled me. I think he's a witch to be honest, he's got the crooked nose ;) Also he's one of the very few people who CAN'T get annoyed with me. Believe me I've tried. Either he's really good at hiding it, or he's immune. Also I saved him some of my pizza the other day, which just proves my love for him :P Well, he is my husband after all xD It's been a fantastic six months, and I hope our friendship's future is as fantasticly amazing as it has been so far :) Rydych chi'n unigolyn gwych Mathew James, byth yn ei anghofio, gadael i neb ddweud wrthych fel arall, ac yn bwysicaf oll byth yn stopio rannu hynny gyda mi ar ffurf cyfeillgarwch.![]() |
Who needs an axe-wielding psychotic serial killer with a corpse fetish when you can have a sword-wielding, narcoleptic Welshman with a... well, I doubt anyone wants to know your disturbing fetishes |
All of these people should know that I loves them lots and want them to know that I look forward to the next load of years we share :) Friendship is what makes the good times better, makes the bad times go away, and makes the just plain dull times that slight bit more bearable, and the past few years I owe to you all :)Thanks guys,
Jake :)
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